Date: 2024-03-14 hits: 661
Intermal corrosion of lithium batteries refers to the corrosion phenomenon that occurs in the internal part ofthe battery. Specifically,for some reason,the positive and negative materials ofthe battery may react with the electrolyte, resulting in damage to the electrode material and a decline in batteryperformance. This corrosion can be caused by a variety offactors, such as manufacturing process defects, improper conditions ofuse, storageenvironment, etc. internal corosion oflithium batteries is a common problem that can afect battery life and safety. Therefore, understanding thecorrosion oflithium batteries is very important for the propelcausesanc orevention measuresuseanomaintenance of oatteries.
The intermal corosion of lithium batteries has many effects on battery performance. First, corrosion leads to a loss ofbattery capacity because corrosion consumethe electrolyte and damages the electrode material,reducingthe amount of chargethat can be stored. secondy, corrosion wilincrease the internal resistance oithe battery, so that the voltage drop ofthe battery duringthe charge and discharge process wilincrease, which willafecthe eficiencyofthe batterny. In addition.corrosion wil also produce solid products and soluble products, which wil blockthe electrode, making the battery's charge and discharge performance furtherreduced. At the same time,some corrosion products will produce reduction deposits in the negaive electrode, which will increase the self-discharge rate of thebattery and mav cause safety problems such as short circuit
Therefore, to prevent the occurrence ofinternal corrosion oflithium batteries as much as possible,itis necessaryto start from the manufacturing, use and storage ofbatteries.For example, improving the manufacturing proces ofthe batery and increasing the purity.
Causes of internal corrosion of lithium batteries:
1. Positive corosion: the positive electrode material wil react with the electrolyte during the charging process,resulting in the dissolution ofthepositive active substance. in addition, high temperature and overcharging willalso acelerate the oxidation process ofthe positive electrode, causingpositive electrode corrosion.
2.Negatve corosion: Whenthe solid electrolyteinterace flm (El flm on thesurace ofthe negative electodeisincomplete ordestroyed,the negative electrode wilreact withthe electroyte,resultingin negative corrosion.
3.Electrolyte decomposition:The electrolyte wlldecompose underconditonsuchas high temperature orowercharge,producing gases and corosive substances,and futheraccelerating the corosion ofthe internal part of the battery.
4, manufacturing process defects: in the battery manufacturing process, due to the lack of strict process control or materiadefects, there may be small gaps or impurities in the interior ofthe battery, creating conditions for internal corrosion.
In short,the prevention and mitigation ofinternal corrosion of ithium batteries need to be considered from many aspects, including manufacturing process, usecondiltions, storage environment, maintenance and charper selection. Duringuse, users should pav attentionto the status and perommance ofthe battery, discoveiand deal with problems in a timely manner, in order to extend the life and safety of the battery.