Date: 2024-10-30 hits: 314
IATA (International Air Transport Association) has released version 66 of the DGR (Dangerous Goods Regulations), which will take effect from January 1, 2025. The new version of DGR (66 edition) has the following changes regarding batteries:
1. Add UN number
UN 3551 sodium ion battery
UN 3552 sodium ion battery installed in equipment
UN 3552 Sodium ion batteries packaged together with equipment
UN 3556 vehicles, powered by lithium-ion batteries
UN 3557 vehicles, powered by lithium metal batteries
UN 3558 vehicle, powered by sodium ion batteries
Note: In version 66 of DGR, vehicles powered by lithium batteries are no longer transported under UN 3171, but there is a transition period during which vehicles powered by lithium batteries can still be transported under UN 3171 until March 31, 2025. After March 31, 2025, vehicles powered by lithium batteries can only be transported according to UN 3556 or UN 3557
2. Packaging
(1) Add packaging terms PI976, PI977, PI978:
For organic electrolyte sodium ion batteries, three packaging terms P1976, PI977, and P1978 have been added, corresponding to the following:
PI976-UN 3551, sodium ion battery;
P1977-UN 3552, sodium ion batteries packaged together with equipment;
PI978-UN 3552, sodium ion battery installed in the equipment.
(2) Lithium ion batteries P1966, P1967 and lithium metal batteries P1969, PI970
The following packaging instructions section has added a 3m stacking test requirement:
The following packaging instructions section has added a requirement for the amount of charge:
PI 966-1:
By December 31, 2025, it is recommended that the battery capacity of the battery cell or battery not exceed 30%.
Starting from January 1, 2026, the power of battery cells or batteries shall not exceed 30%.
PI 966-11:
By December 31, 2025, it is recommended that the battery capacity of the battery cell or battery not exceed 30%.
Starting from January 1, 2026, the battery capacity of cells or batteries with a capacity of 2.7Wh or more shall not exceed 30%
It is recommended that the battery capacity of 2.7Wh or below should not exceed 30%.
P1 967-1/11:
It is recommended that the battery or cell's charge not exceed 30%, or the device's indicated capacity should not exceed 25%
3. label
The lithium battery label has been renamed as the battery label!
The "Class 9 Dangerous Goods Label Lithium ion Battery" has been renamed as "Class 9 Dangerous Goods Label Lithium ion and Sodium ion Battery"